Harold Thiessen

Harold Thieseen has been a long time supporter of the Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Foundation. We were able to have a conversation with him this October where he shared the reason behind his support.

“We always need healthcare it is an important aspect of our life and we’ve used it quite extensively over the years as well. I feel that the city and surrounding community have made use of the funds and we appreciate the work that they are doing, and I make it a point to support them. ”

Harold also spoke about how important the Cypress Regional Hospital is, not just for the residents of Swift Current, but the surrounding communities as well.

“I think it is a local resource we have here because we want to utilize the local forms as much as possible for an economic reason as well we would like to see that anyone possible will utilize it. This is much closer driving distance for the communities around here as well to use it whenever they possibly can.”

We can’t thank Harold enough for the support that he had show throughout the years.


Ron Heeg


Luann Schultz