Wendy Gunderson
In mid June 2018 we received the following from Wendy Gunderson in a letter:
“Dr. Noble Irwin Foundation
I am enclosing a cheque for the sum of $100 in appreciation for the service I received at Swift Current Hospital a couple of weeks ago.
I received an echo cardiogram at that time and I want to let you know that I received excellent care from the admitting desk onward. Everyone I met treated me with respect and kindness. Not only that but all the staff seemed happy with their job and glad to be of service.
I would like my donation to be used for any current medical imaging equipment funding programs you may have in place. If not equipment then perhaps things to make the staff jobs easier?
I appreciate the care provided to the rural areas and am glad I am able to donate to such a worthy cause as your foundation.
Wendy Gunderson
Kyle, Sask.”
Wendy’s donation will be put to use for the new portable x-ray machine that we are looking to fund. Please consider joining Wendy and supporting this purchase.