Brian Knight

In October 2020 we had the pleasure of speaking with Brian Knight, a dedicated supporter of the Dr. Noble Irwin Foundation. We asked him what it was about the Foundation that made him donate year after year, he had the following answer.

“It’s very important, I am a senior now, but a very active senior and I donate every chance I get when they have a fundraiser. The facility is one of the best hospitals around and we have to always improve and upgrade and update like you do with everything, but it’s there for our area and a bigger surrounding area for everything we need for examinations or doctor appointments or whatever it may be can be handled by the Swift Current hospital (Cypress Regional Hospital) and save us those long trips to Regina or Saskatoon.”

We also spoke about all the updates in technology that have been happening as of late and how that is affecting the healthcare industry.

“…the technology is always becoming better and more elaborate, we got to keep up with the times. I’m not one that does a lot of cell phone or computer stuff, I’m not into that at my age, but I know how important it is for medical equipment and research for health reasons.”

Brain left us with some final thoughts.

“Don’t hesitate to donate, it’s your life it’s your health it’s family, it’s community, it’s friends and it’s there for us all and we can only keep it bigger and better by promoting, funding and supporting it.”

Thank you Brian for sharing you thoughts with us and your outstanding support throughout the years, we truly appreciate it.


Richmound Stretcher


Ron Heeg